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ls: Displays the content of a directory
If no external option is given, it will display the contents of present working directory.
Eg: ls ./abc ls ls ~/user - a : Option to print all files(including hidden files) - l : Option to give a long of file details. Eg: ls -a ls -al ls -l / NB: ~ : Denotes the home directory of current user / : Denotes the root directory of the Linux System. Eg: ls / ls -a ~/
pwd: Prints the current(present) working directory.
Eg: cd ~ cd /NB: cd .. will make the terminal to move to the parent directory of present working directory.
cd . Will make the terminal to move to the current directory itself.
passwd : Changes the password of current user account.
Eg: touch abc.txt touch ~/abc.txt
nano : A simple text editor
(File will be renamed if file_dest is not a directory).
-r or -R or –recursive : Recursive copy or copy all the subdirectories as well. Eg: cp ./abc.txt ./dir2/efg.txt cp -r ./abc ./dir2
-p, --parents : Creates intervening parent directories if they do not exist.
directory. mv is used also for renaming a file.
Eg: mv ./abc/sample.txt ./efg mv ./efg/sample.txt ./efg/sample2.txt
-r option can be used to remove directories as well recursively. -i option can be used to warn before deleting.
command --help : Displays a simple help page for a command.
Eg: whatis ls
Eg: apropos editor
time : Displays the current system time.
cal : Displays the calender for the current month.
Eg: cal #Calender for the current month cal 2 2013 #Calender for February 2103 cal 2012 #Calender for the year 2012
ps : Displays the processes created by the current user.
who : Displays all the users currently logged into the system.
w : Displays all the users currently logged into the system and their resours utilization.
cat : Display the content of a file on to the screen.
wc : Word Count – Counts the number of lines, words and characters in a text file.
Eg: wc sample.txt
exit orlogout : Terminates the current session.
Redirecting output of a command to file: Eg: ls -al > new.txt Typing two or more commands in a single line: Eg: ls -al ; mkdir abc Comments given after commands: Eg: ls -al #Long listing of pwd contents.
echo “
Eg: echo “Hello World
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