Kubernetes :: Helpful aliases to save time :
alias c='clear'
alias v='vim'
alias l='ls -lrt'
alias k='kubectl'
alias kdel='kubectl delete pod'
alias kdp='kubectl describe pod'
alias kf='kubectl create -f'
alias kp='kubectl apply -f'
alias ke='kubectl explain'
alias kgp='k get pod'
alias kr='kubectl replace -f'
alias kexe='kubectl exec -it'
alias ks='kubectl get namespaces'
alias kgaa='k get pod --all-namespaces'
alias kc='k config view --minify | grep name'
alias krh='kubectl run --help | more'
alias kgh='kubectl get --help | more'
alias kg='kubectl get pods --show-labels'
alias kh='kubectl --help | more'
alias krh='kubectl run --help | more'
alias kgaa='kubectl get all --show-labels'
Create YAML from kubectl commands :
The following commands will create a YAML file with name yamlfile
. Once you create the YAML file from these kubectl commands, you can modify it based on your requirements and use it instead of writing from scratch:
kubectl run busybox --image=busybox --dry-run=client -o yaml --restart=Never > yamlfile.yaml
kubectl create job my-job --dry-run=client -o yaml --image=busybox -- date > yamlfile.yaml
kubectl get -o yaml deploy/nginx > 1.yaml (Ensure that you have a deployment named as nginx)
kubectl run busybox --image=busybox --dry-run=client -o yaml --restart=Never -- /bin/sh -c "while true; do echo hello; echo hello again;done" > yamlfile.yaml
kubectl run wordpress --image=wordpress –-expose –-port=8989 --restart=Never -o yaml
kubectl run test --image=busybox --restart=Never --dry-run=client -o yaml -- bin/sh -c 'echo test;sleep 100' > yamlfile.yaml
(Notice that--bin
comes at the end. This will create yaml file.)
Another good idea for creating the YAML file is obtaining the file directly from the internet using the wget